Traditional with a cool, soothing color scheme, Surya's Cambridge collection is a variation of unique intricate area rugs. Embellishing and illuminating any casual or formal area, this perfect piece is sure to be an excellent fit from room to room within any home decor.
With a timeless, hand crafted design that embodies both tradition and captivating craftsmanship, the flawlessness of these hand knotted rugs will create a sense of classic charm in any home decor. Lasting for twenty plus years, this enticing piece is well worth it's price, However, in order to retain its flawlessness, it is crucial several steps are taking during care and cleaning. High powered vacuums often pull out the back of rugs, causing sprouts and an overall unattractive appearance of a once exquisite piece. To prevent this, place your vacuum on the edge of the rug, using a low setting, or use hand held attachments when cleaning.
''Pantone'' Colors include: Rust (19-1250), Sienna (18-1343), Olive (15-1119), Gray (17-5102), Bisque (15-1512), Ash Gray (14-4103), Olive (18-0312), Navy (19-4025), Beige (12-0703), Olive (16-1126)
This rug is on display in our
Bee Cave,Texas Showroom. Please call or email one of our Rug Specialists at this location if you would like additional information or images of this item, or if you would like to order by phone.